Mike Cuales, LEVR Studios
Published Author Category STEM Fests, STEM RTP

The Fall STEM Expo, hosted by STEM in the Park, will take place on Friday, November 3 as underserved high school students from the across the region come to RTP to experience hands-on demonstrations, speed mentoring, and participate in a STEM tank competition against other high school teams. It is a day that is sure to inspire and engage everyone involved.

Presenter sign up closes on Monday, October 9 so be sure to get your application in today by clicking here.

These individuals, organizations, and university departments speak to hundreds of students over the course of the morning sessions and spread their respective STEM interests and focuses. With the one month countdown on, we shifted the spotlight to some of our fabulous Expo presenters, Kelly Witter (EPA), Mike Cuales (LEVR Studios) and Natacha Janvier-Derilus (NCCU BRITE) to share their experiences.

What is your favorite part about participating in a STEM Expo?

“[We like] interacting with the students and getting them super excited as they load a gel for the first time, get their hands dirty and slimy while creating a bouncy ball, or light up the room with a color prism they created. There is nothing like watching science truly come alive to the students during an event like the STEM Expo.” – Natacha, NCCU BRITE

“The STEM Expo has been an amazing opportunity to inspire and connect with such a diverse population. That one experience could be the very thing that drives them to dig deeper, ask more questions, or be more engaged in their course of study. Giving direct interaction and exposing students to a range of subject matters and career paths is an amazing way to inspire the youth and encourage them to explore.” – Mike, LEVR Studios

Why do you think STEM exposure is important to students? 

“Many students don’t have the opportunity to see STEM in action through family members or other people in their lives. It is important to expose them to the multitude of STEM careers available to them. As a kid, I was definitely inspired to think about how things work because I often accompanied my dad on manufacturing plant visits.” – Kelly, EPA

Why is it important for you to attend the Expo?

“The BRITE program in its essence is about STEM education and using our platform to reach students on every level to help bridge the gap between scientific research and public awareness. By providing quality biotechnology experiences that meet the diverse needs of students, we make science real and relevant which in turn may result in students pursuing careers in science and biotechnology.” – Natacha, NCCU BRITE

“The event gave us valuable insight to one of our end-user audiences by being able to see the kids interact with our content while gathering feedback on what to improve. The STEM Expo facilitated a natural partnership between LEVR Studios and NC Museum of Natural Sciences – we worked together to bring both live insects and one-of-a-kind virtual BugVR experience to the Expo.” – Mike, LEVR Studios

Deadline to sign up is Monday, October 9! Submit your presenter registration here