Published Author Category STEM RTP

Convener. Collaborator. Conduit.

These three words encapsulate what our program has always been about. After winning a national STEM competition in 2014, the Research Triangle Foundation of NC launched a STEM education initiative through partnerships with STEM companies, local school systems, higher education institutions and non-profits. The goal was simple: to create a community where every student has the chance to pursue a STEM career.

For the past five years, US2020 RTP and STEM in the Park did just that. Through focusing on young women, students from low income backgrounds, and ethnic minorities, we’ve created inroads to diversifying the future STEM workforce in the area. We’ve done this by developing these students’ STEM passions through mentoring and outreach with local STEM professionals. Through our work, we have impacted more than 10,000 students and 250 educators, and worked with over 400 different organizations.

And we have a long way to go. As we look to the next five, we’re rebranding: say hello to STEM RTP.STEM RTP represents the cultivation of these strategic partnerships, and embodies a viable way to create an economic impact for the citizens of North Carolina for generations to come. Join us in celebrating new connections as we continue paving the way for the next generation of our state’s STEM talent!